Change for the Planet – Care for the People

A collective CIDSE initiative to connect,
inspire and promote sustainable lifestyles towards a better world for all.
We believe we must practice the changes we want to see in the world.

About us

The initiative was launched in 2015 shortly after the release of the Encyclical Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis. Since that time, we have led several collective projects of activism, international youth exchange and storytelling.

Stories of change

Discover our documentaries and activities to inspire change

International connections

Find out about our network of volunteers


Check out our calls for decision-makers

Volunteers’ blogs

What do the volunteers’ think about the activities they lived through Change for the Planet- Care for the People?


Lucia, Manos Unidas, Spain

“As a result of sharing my experience in this initiative, I discovered that many of my friends wanted to know more and since then we have reflected on the small changes that we are incorporating into our lifestyles to be more sustainable. We exchanged ideas for reducing consumption of plastics or single-use products as well as recommendations from zero-kilometer food suppliers.”

Hannah, KOO, Austria

“I belief that hearing the stories of our Partners from the global South, seeing how they are affected by climate change and getting connected to a global community of people engaging in climate justice can really influence and change people’s hearts and minds and give them strength and motivation to keep on engaging in climate activism or join the movement for climate justice.”

Laura, Manos Unidas, Spain

“The campaign has been a period of deep learning.  […] When I participated in international events I learned from experiences and people who inspired me to “make the change” in my lifestyle. I also took on the commitment to transfer all that I had learned to my local environment.”

Pedro, FEC, Portugal

“Understanding the UNFCCC negotiations […] and being part of a demonstration at COP24 have been highlights of our ecological conversion, showing us how we can all make part of the climate movement.”

Alicia, Manos Unidas, Spain

“I learned that there are a lot of ways to pollute less, that no matter how little you do, you contribute to change and that people also commit themselves by contagion if you lead a sustainable way of life you contribute to the rest.”

Libby, CAFOD, UK

“What I’ve learned in my time working with Change for the Planet – Care for the People is that there are so many out there wanting to do their own part for a better world – and we can make it happen if we work together.”


Feel free to get in touch with our Campaigns Project Officer Giorgio Gotra

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