Change for the Planet – Care for the People
A collective CIDSE initiative to connect,
inspire and promote sustainable lifestyles towards a better world for all.
We believe we must practice the changes we want to see in the world.
About us
The initiative was launched in 2015 shortly after the release of the Encyclical Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis. Since that time, we have led several collective projects of activism, international youth exchange and storytelling.
Stories of change
Discover our documentaries and activities to inspire change
International connections
Find out about our network of volunteers
Check out our calls for decision-makers
Stories of change
Within the initiative “Change for the planet, Care for the People” CIDSE loves telling the stories of people who make the difference
through their actions through visual storytelling.
Volunteers’ blogs
What do the volunteers’ think about the activities they lived through Change for the Planet- Care for the People?

Feel free to get in touch with our Campaigns Project Officer Giorgio Gotra